Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 38: That's Two Weeks Left.

Two weeks or so left to go.
My favorite things about being pregnant:
  • Ice Cream. 
  • People are nice to you and let you sit down when there are not enough chairs to go around.
  • Ice Cream Bars.
  • You never get lonely/you always know where the kiddo is.
  • Naps.
  • That I will not be pregnant for very much longer.
  • Ice cream bars that resemble candy bars.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Making Stuff For the Boy's Room

Blobby Layne now has somewhere to keep all his treasures.

Once upon a time this wooden chest sold fan belts at an auto parts store. We found this chest in a family member's basement- it was full of tools and covered in the dust of the ages. 

Some sanding, paint, polyurethane and some new drawer pulls later we have the coolest dresser, ever, and if Blobby grows to hate it I am totally moving it into my kitchen as a linen and china chest.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week 37: Even the baby made it through the Rapture.

Week 37 out of 40.

This means we are three weeks from Blobby's due date, or as Rob pointed out to me this afternoon: that's EIGHTEEN DAYS away.

Commence panic. 

Freaking out aside, we are ready to meet the wee man, put a face to the name and introduce him to all the people that have waited patiently with us.  I'll bet you are tired of looking at me smuggling the baby and would rather see his face too. In the mean time, here are a few snaps of Rob and me so in a few weeks you can easily decide who the baby looks like. Enjoy!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 36: ClayWanda and Calamity

We are roughly 28 days from our due date! I have been at home more than usual resting on my left side- its good for the circulation, I am told- and also nesting: cleaning things that I normally would ignore like the areas under the sink in the bathroom and then totally reorganizing the kitchen cabinets, home library and closets.

We did venture out today, meeting friends for brunch. Somewhere between getting out of the car and finishing my hash browns the key to my car liberated itself from my keyring and became lost. We live about 40 miles from where we met with friends, looked everywhere and the key was GONE. The friends we were with came in on their motorcycle, so a ride back to our house was out of the question. 

Enter my good friend and co-worker Rosie F. who randomly appeared like a fairy godmother and upon discovering our situation offered to 1. Pay for a cab for us to get to her house where 2. instructed us to break in to her home (where her 200 pound dog also resides and is fortunately crated) and, 3. take her car keys, and then her car, all the way back to our house to get our spare keys. We took her up on numbers 2 and 3 and drove her car on the interstate through a torrential rain storm with the hazard lights flashing.

We got home, finally, to the television I broke last week, a geriatric cat that needs his meds, a skunk in the front flowerbed and then I reached up and stuck my hand in the ceiling fan blade. Oh Blobby Layne, you are in for it; your mama can be a hot mess and you are a lucky little man that there are people out there that love you THIS MUCH already.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Week 35: Mother's Day

I am so big that this is all that fits in the camera viewfinder. Rob had to take this picture from across the street. I am so fat that I broke our TV from across the room.

So, its Mother's Day.  Today also marks that I am 8 months pregnant. I am due June 9, and I am glad as its starting to get crowded in here. Feet do not belong nestled in my ribcage, nor do I enjoy peeing every 20 minutes. 
Several people have asked if Rob got me a card for Mother's day.  He didn't, but lets be honest, I haven't produced a child, I have only harbored one. 

Happy Mother's Day to all of you: to everyone that is a mother, has a mother, is a kitty- or puppy-mama, or anyone that takes care of those that need taking care of. Moms come in a lot of shapes and sizes and they all deserve our appreciation. 
Magda, I love you especially. No one can drive me nuts the way you can, and if your curse comes true- the one where I have children that behave the same way I did- well, sit back, enjoy the show and laugh. You earned it!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week 34: Six week til Magic Time.

This Week Blobby, Rob and I:
  • I made a paper crane mobile to hang over Blobby's crib.
  • Rob and I got to see the wee man over ultrasound. He meets all the specs for someone at week 34 and is definably a boy. Also, he has a big noggin.
  • We are getting closer to getting the baby's room ready for action and Rob and I discovered that we are both hoarders of paper: we gave each other permission to throw out the Christmas cards from 1996 kept in a shoebox, the back-issues of BUST magazine dating back to when I was an undergrad and the sofa in the office that not one single person has actually sat on since I moved in more then two years ago.
  • I discovered Simple Little Baby, a business started by local moms that promote and sell cloth diapering, breast feeding and baby wearing. They have an incredible Cloth Diaper Trial too!
  • Delighted in seeing the faces of my (very) weight-conscious office-mates who constantly diet and go to the gym on their lunch breaks upon returning from the office of my midwife looking like THAT and reporting that I lost 7 pounds. 
  • In another week I'll be 8 months pregnant. Please, someone, come help me get up off the sofa.