Saturday, April 13, 2013

Condiment Confessions

Steak Sauce

Many of you read about my unnatural craving for pancakes while pregnant. Some of you (paging the Layne family) enabled my desires with gifts of Shake-N-Pour Aunt Jemima and organic maple syrup. I would come home from work and make a single pancake, all for me (and D). But that is only half of the story:

Steak Sauce. Sweet mother of crap, I LOVE STEAK SAUCE Ugh. I never mentioned anything to anyone about my perverse love of tangy, vinegar laced, made of raisin extract and magic: A1 steak sauce. I sipped it right from the bottle.  Sometimes I gulped. I might have poured it on other foods, but who the heck cares if I did, IT WAS DELICIOUS.

That being said, I had some trouble getting Desmond to finish the roast chicken portioned out for his dinner. Peas? No problem. Carrots? No Problem. Cheese? Again, no issue. The chicken however, was wholly rejected. Solution? STEAK SAAAAAAUCE!  A tablespoon of steak sauce and the chicken was devoured. Steak sauce is vegan, not terrible for preservatives or salt and boom: finger-fulls of chicken dragged through and promptly nommed.

Now you know all my secrets. I'll just be in the kitchen dipping carrot sticks into A1.

Random Baby D things:

Russian Gangster Tracksuit.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

When I step back and watch Desmond and Rob playing together, reading stories or wrestling I am often amazed at how similar they look. The same profile, the same curly hair, the same long torso, and (forgive me for over sharing) they totally have matching butts.  If I had not actually incubated this child in my body I might question his parentage.

Every once in a while when we are out and about at the grocery store or at the park a stranger tells me, "he looks just like you!" and I get really excited and very earnestly say THANK YOU but, deep down I know its not true. Desmond looks like his Daddy. So much so that pictures of baby Rob might as well be pictures of baby Desmond:

Thanks, Maw Maw Teresa and Aunt Marion for the photos and the awesome collage!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Curly Hair Fashion Show

At the 18 month mark the big D is doing great- talking, running, climbing and dancing. Baby just has to DANCE.

9 pounds 4.8 oz
21 1/4"
First Dr. Visit
9 pounds 2 oz

Second Dr. Visit
9 pounds 12 oz
Visit to midwives 10 pounds 11 oz

Two Month Visit 14 pounds 7 oz
23 1/4"
Four Month Visit 18 pounds 5 oz
26 1/2"
Six Month Visit
21 pounds 3 oz
27 1/2"
Nine Month Visit 24 pounds 8 oz
29 1/2"
One Year Visit
25 pounds 14 oz
30 1/4"
18 Month Visit
30 pounds 3 oz
33 1/2"

Saturday, November 10, 2012

17 Months

In another week the Big D will be 17 months old. Certainly not a baby any longer (thought we all still call him 'Baby Desmond') as he's nearly three feet tall and weighs about 30 pounds. Sometimes I come into a room to find him sitting on top of the coffee table. Sometimes he tries to surf the rocking chair in his room. Sometimes we have to call the pediatrician as Baby D has fallen off the sofa, run into a wall or otherwise stricken terror into my heart. Mostly, though he is crazy cute and loves to read books, dance and play hide and seek.