Monday, April 25, 2011

Week 33: Showered and Ready

This past Saturday Robby, Blobby and I were showered by our family and friends! 

Events were held in the downstairs lounge at the Clementine (where, you may remember, Robby and I got married,) and I wore my RED DRESS in which I resembled the Kool-Aid Man in the best way possible.

Entertainment was provided by a local belly dance troupe who held a workshop after; pictures will eventually show up in the flickr feed on the blog homepage.

We are about 7 weeks (!) from Blobby's arrival and we are armed to the teeth with all of the things we will need to dress, bathe, drive around with, and entertain a newborn and ourselves as we get into new routines, staying up all night begging the little man to lighten up and let us all sleep.  We are blessed with amazing friends and family- people who love children, and in some cases people who can't stand kids yet love us enough to show their support all along the way. Thanks for sharing our excitement and not feeding our fears. The shower was great. The feeling of love and community and family Rob and I both experienced after we came home and processed the whole thing was even greater than I thought possible.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 32: Pregnancy Brain Part Deux

Usually, on Sundays we take our weekly photo and I sit down and record the highlights of the previous week. Well, guess who went about their weekend and TOTALLY FORGOT? Yes. That would be me.  So here we are on Monday afternoon, dropping off to see Blobby's daddy at work and snapping a quick photo (I call this photo, 'Lot Lizard: The Aftermath').

Part of my distraction was due to our scheduled tour of the Family Center at the hospital Sunday afternoon. Robby and I joined about 6 other families to check out where we will be and what is available to us when Blobby makes an appearance. The facilities at our brand-new hospital are beautiful, complete with jacuzzi tubs, hardwood floors and, should I choose, an epidural delivery button!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Week 31: Role of the New Father

Dear Readers,
As my belly gets bigger and we prepare for little Blobby Layne to arrive you have been keeping tabs on my physical changes, my musings on pending motherhood and my heartburn.  Heartburn that comes and goes at random that is only tamed by copious amounts of tropical fruit flavored antacids, none of which have ever made me stop and admire, 'mmm pineapple'.

Rob has been an incredibly supportive father-to-be.  He keeps up on the weekly updates telling us how big the baby is (like four navel oranges) and sends me little pick-me-up emails telling me that I am the prettiest fat lady on the planet. He comes to meet the midwives with me and brings me seltzer water when the flames of indigestion rise.

By far my favorite is when Rob sings to my belly.  He leans in, face at my navel and provides both me and Blobby with his smooth baritone renditions of popular tunes, epic heavy metal vocalizations and often, jingles from the radio.  Today, however his choice of song may have opened up a future in children's entertainment:  

I woke from an afternoon nap and Blobby's daddy came in prepared with a song. He started out with a tune I recognized as Cher's 1971 solo hit, 'Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves', only modified to better suit the very young audience; what came out of my husband's mouth was the loudest, most enthusiastic perfomance of 'GYPSIES, CHIMPANZEES' anyone has ever heard.

And so, Rob Layne's career in music for children is born, a mere two months before the arrival of his infant son.  


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week 30: Its all relative

For the first time in the last 20 years, my bosoms are in proportion with the rest of my body.

That is all.